From My City

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Encounter With A Street Art Blogger

RJ Rushmore loves street art. In 2008, he created Vandalog, a blog entirely dedicated to street art which became an authority in this field. He collects street art alongside his dad and is currently a student in Haverford College, Philadelphia. He spends his summer in London where his family is based.

RJ kindly accepted to answer to our four questions.

What brought you to London?

My family moved over about 6 years ago for my father’s job. Now I’m going to school in Philadelphia, but I get back to London whenever I can.

What is the last exhibition, film or show that inspired you and why?

Definitely The Taqwacores, a movie about a fictional (but now sort of real) Muslim punk scene in America. Sure the acting isn’t great and it isn’t based on any real punk scene, but it serves as a strong reminder that punk is about scaring people and pushing boundaries, and that youth can still create their own culture. It seems like youth cultures are commercialized almost instantly these days, but I imagine it would be nearly impossible to make Muslim punks like those in The Taqwacores a mainstream sensation the UK or America.

If you had to leave London, what aspects of the city would you miss the most?

After spending the last few months in suburban Philadelphia, I miss the diversity of London. There isn’t much to surprise me in the suburbs, but there’s always something new and different to check out in London.

Could you recommend some of your favourite places in London?

The Old Truman Brewery has to be my favorite spot in the city. There’s art (Stolenspace Gallery ), music (Rough Trade), food (), the Sunday Up Market and random events like massive clothing sales or pop-up art exhibits.

One spot that doesn’t get enough credit is Hackney Wick. Go and have a walk along the canal before the Olympics disrupt that area further.